Sunday, October 14, 2012

My introduction and first photo post

So for my first post I'll start with an introduction, and an explanation of the title.

I am the mother of 3 elementary school aged daughters, and a 4 month old son.  I'm a little bit into my privacy because of the kids, so I'll most likely keep names and exact locations to myself; I'll refer to them here as Ms Big, Ms Middle, Ms Little, and Jr.  Big is 8, and starting to get into a fairly independent phase (no more princesses and pink, she likes blue and black and werewolves.) Ms Middle (age 6) is my girly girl, she loves pink and sparkles and pretty things, and she'd love to wear dresses every day.  My Ms Little is 5 and spunky!  She wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed every morning, ready to meet the day head on.  I am really not sure where she gets that from.  Jr is my little man, and will most likely only make his appearance here as the little adorable distraction that keeps me from posting more often.  I really can't see myself getting away with painting his nails any time in the future, but I hope to update here with pictures of the girls weekly manicures as well as my own constantly evolving nails.  Hence the title, 40 tiny canvases, for the 40 fingernails I have to work with.  This week the girls are wearing polka dot flowers on various different colored backgrounds, but I wasn't able to get a picture before they got chipped.  They are small children after all, their manicures don't last too long.
It's been quite a while since I attended school, so I make no promises regarding my grammar.  I write like I speak and for the life of me I can't remember where the commas are supposed to go and where they aren't, but I promise I shall do my best.
The main purpose of this blog, of course, is nails.  I'm an admitted recovering nail biter, and I still haven't quite learned how to care for my cuticles properly, but recently I've been learning to enjoy painting my nails beyond just throwing a quick coat on here and there.  I've admired the things that I've been seeing around the internet, I don't assume any of the ideas here are "new" ideas and when possible I intend to give credit to my inspiration for the design.

For my first ever picture I'll post, color inspired by Hot Wheels Spectra-Flame Aqua.  Let me explain... early Hot Wheels were painted with a silver color first, then a transparent color was applied over the silver.  They referred to this as Spectra-Flame.  To get the effect on my nails I started off with a coat of Sinful Colors Heavy Metal.  It's a very shiny silver polish with a resemblance to chrome when it's dry.  Over that went two coats of Sinful Colors Nail Junkie, which is a transparent blue with glitter (which didn't show very well in the picture)
This is only my first post, so I'm not sure where to go from here.  I got a good deal at Rite Aid today, they had a large sale going on in cosmetics and certain shades of different brands were on sale.  Being a penny pincher, I stuck with my stand by Sinful Colors.  I got 4 of the nail art shades in the skinny bottles; Be My Valentine, a glossy gel like red.  Hey Dear! which is an opaque turquoise.  Sunrise, which looked a little bit peachy in the bottle, but seems to be more of an orange on the nail.  I plan on trying it out in some halloween related projects later this month.  The last of the nail art colors has one of the most unappealing names I've heard in a while.  Morning Breath.  It's a shade of yellow that reminds me of a dirty mustard bottle, and the name doesn't do it any favors when you look at it, but I didn't have a yellow, and I wanted it for the centers of flowers and whatnot.  The full size bottle I came away with is Leap Flog, a color from the Muse collection.  I generally don't shop at Rite Aid, I'm a Walgreens girl, but since there's one across the street from my usual Walgreens that doesn't get a lot of business, I thought I might luck into a deal.  That I did!  The nail art bottles were 49 cents a piece, and the Leap Flog was 99!  They had several colors in stock that they have been out of at my Walgreens, and they even had every shade of the snakeskin magnetic line.  Being a Mom on a budget, I sighed and stuck with my 3 dollar score.  I shall go back though.  An unpopular drug store with a well stocked cosmetics section is a sure recipe for deals.

I shall sign off for now, I feel a bit silly talking to no one, and until I have actual followers... I'm talking to myself.  I plan on entering the two bottle challenge over at the Nailed It blog, so that might bring people here?  Who knows.  For now, my nails are naked, the hour is late, and I have new nail polish to play with.  See you next time.